NU-Core is a minimal DSP module ready to be integrated in new projects to ease design, reduce complexity and risks. Even existing designs can be updated efficiently, with minimal rework, and benefit from increased performance. 

Reusable hardware and reusable code are key to deliver projects in budget and in time. NU-Core is first choice for computational intensive applications where floating point architecture enables engineers to rapidly and effectively port audio algorithms already developed and tuned on pc.


  • Multichannel Audio Processing
  • Automotive Applications (channels matrix, xover, equalization, delay, comp/lim etc.)
  • Audio Enhancement Algorithms
  • Low Latency Convolution for Audio Spatialization
  • Active Noise Control
  • Noise Monitoring and Feature Extraction

NU-Core 215xx/215xx_S1

* Different memory configurations available

NU-Core 21569_S2

* Different memory configurations available



Legacy NU-Core modules available on request

NU-Core Framework

NU-Core modules come with a pre-installed standard firmware aimed at audio processing applications along with our pc software “beindSP“.  Firmware can be customized to meet the specific application requirement and, when needed, Leaff  provides also implementation and porting to DSP of new algorithms. A comprehensive  set of audio blocks let the user make real-time adjustments to the product and, when ready, finalize to memory the perfect set of parameters. Using beindSP” the user is covered at all stages of the product development: prototyping, tuning, testing, production and maintenance. 

….and since each part is designed and developed in-house by Leaff, your project is totally under control and secured!

Integration Example on LE-DMAT56

LE-DMAT-56 is the second release of the product sold with the commercial name “SAM” (LE-DMAT32). NU-core 21569_S1 was used to boost processing capabilities and to extend channel count. It was incredibly fast and easy to scale performances focusing efforts solely on carrier board design.

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